Are you Responsive?
Filed under: Advice Web Development

You’ve got a great business and you’re the proud owner of a beautiful website. But when it comes to mobile, your site just doesn’t look quite so good. The content doesn’t fit, the images are squashed, the text is illegible.
If you’re not happy with the way your site looks from your mobile phone, you can bet your customers aren’t either.
What is Responsive Web Design?
Responsive web design uses “media queries” to adapt the design and layout of your website specifically for the device it is being viewed on . With this in mind, making your website responsive will make it future-proof, requiring you to have only one website that is coded to adapt to all screen sizes including, mobile phones, tablets, PCs, TVs, watches, glass walls, whatever the future may hold!
61% of adults in the UK last year accessed the internet through their mobile phone or tablet. With these devices becoming more accessible, the rate is set to increase this year.
Rather than designing websites specifically for iPhone, iPad, Kindle, Blackberry etc, a website should have the technology to automatically respond to the users’ preference.
Why Responsive?
In 2013, 61% of adults in the UK had used a device such as a mobile phone or a tablet to access the internet, and almost all of these (94%) had accessed internet ‘on the go’. The most popular way to access internet ‘on the go’ was from a mobile phone with over half of all adults (53%) accessing the internet this way. This has more than doubled since 2010.
According to an Ebay and Deloitte Study, Smartphones and tablets are creating a breed of ‘Super Shoppers’ that account for 70% of UK retail spend (£200bn in 2013).
Super Shoppers use omnichannels via various devices, pausing their shopping, and resuming again, at home, on the bus, whilst in-store, to look at prices and reviews, deciding when and where to shop, stock-checking, and hunting for mobile and social media offers. Customers fully expect their favourite stores to be joined up to their websites.
Are you leading your customers to sites they can’t see?
78% of daily active use of Facebook comes via mobile access. There are similar figures for the use of other social media sites. A business that interacts with it’s customer base on Facebook, Twitter etc, will find that it is essential to have a mobile friendly site.
It should also be noted that 25.8% emails are opened on a mobile device and so, any marketing sent via email, should contain links to mobile friendly websites.
If a user does land on your mobile website and is frustrated or doesn’t see what they are looking for, there’s a 61% chance that they will leave and go to another website. It is also said that if they have a positive experience with your mobile website, they are 67% more likely to make a purchase or use a service. (Google Think Insights)
Pixel Air Are Responsive
At Pixel Air, we are proud to have been working on responsive web design for the last 2 years and now, the majority of the sites that we work on are built mobile-first.