D&AD Winners Announced
Filed under: Inspiration

This year’s D&AD winners have just been announced and we’ve had a great time going through them and being inspired.
There’s always so much to look at and sometimes the entries really surprise us – the biggest surprise usually comes from the sheer amount of inspiration we get from non-web design entries. This year is just no different. There are some balmy, unique, informative, creative things going on out there and all of them have us talking about them for different reasons.
A few of our favourite winners that sparked the most chatter in our studio this year:
Interactive invitation to join the London Symphony Orchestra at the Barbican, online.
Love this simple, striking and thought-provoking idea to reduce the number of road death’s in Cordoba every year. If regular signage isn’t already helping, surely this has to.
This I’ve added for my kids! Would be great to know the answer every time they ask ‘Where has that plane come from?’ (And I would like to know too!)
An innocent and stunningly animated film and app, designed to entice us to question where our food comes from. I could watch this over and over, it’s beautiful.
The evocative illustrations in this book really capture the ambience, the strength and the meaning of jazz.
Thank you D&AD for all the inspiration and good fun this year. We look forward to the next!